The water

 Water is everywhere , is it still  relevant today? It is a question of everyone on this earth.usually a human foetus is 95% water; the water content of an adult liver is 73%; that of the nervous system’s tissues is 84%. Our planet is seven-tenths water,but how one can realted with efficiency of water on this palnet ? 

 so it is question which must be asked br self how we utilise it .Recently in rural india also, see the scarcity of drinking water along with urban areas.. i usually see  efficiency  graph of water consumption ....then i see that people misuse water due to various factor like lack of awarness,electricity subsidy,administration failure ,as well as  government poor intrest in it. i share a story  recently launched a scheme on water, where my street filled with water due to government scheme ,yes you are reading correct, but how it is possible? yes it is possible due to mointoring issue ,goverment staff  rarely visit on the site in addition to , also due to lack of resposibility of people. when i see this type of unusal i called the respective authorities but authorities check my complaint site when i told them about the same degrade  condition in other home as well but they told me ,,why are you  worry for other? How can one move away from its own duty think of it? Even house member donot worry about wastage of drinking water .. they cosidered as free,valuble-less thing.. The story of wasting water after full of water tank,,no regulation,no duty,no worry about it... But all know the water table deplet under the ground due the climate change , deforestation, urbanisation,acquiring the land of water  and industrial wastage dump inside the water resource... but when time to take action at individual level they forget everthing rarely realise after the water crisis ...

              " so it is humble request to all spread awarness, take action ,check tank water wastage,cure  the loose pump and please preotct the tree because human have no technology to formed water for the people ... it is not only valuable sources but also the most essential component after air for survival.. if no water then no urbanistaion,no globalisation,no industrailisation we all are still live thanks to the The water .Addressing these water problems requires a multi-faceted approach, including sustainable water management practices, investments in water infrastructure, water conservation measures, pollution control measures, and efforts to raise awareness among the public about water conservation."

                                                         "  Act now ."


