Indian have DNA of scientific temper

i was thinking yesterday ,why company prefer to hire major CEO of multinationals companies from indian origin (like Google,microsoft ,and many more) ..i was trying to link the dot then i suddenly remember the golden past legacy then i found my answer it is because of DNA of scientific temper..
 1)Sushruta,world's the first plastic surgeon known as “Father of Surgery” , “Father of Plastics Surgery" for inventing and developing surgical procedures. His work on the subject, the Sushruta Samhita is considered one of the oldest texts in the world on plastic surge
2)Patanjali has been called the founder of the Yoga Sutra.The yoga sutras were collected sometime between 500 BCE and 200 BCE. All the four chapters of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra are named according to their subjects; Samadhi Pada, Sadhana Pada, Vibhuti Pada, and Kaivalya Pada
3)Varahamihira one of the Nine Gems of Chandragupta II court,One of his mathematical achievements was the discovery of the trigonometric formulae.He enhanced Aryabhata's sine tables' accuracy.He utilised it to establish a method for calculating binomial coefficient
4)Aryabhatta invention of zero,discovery of earth's rotation on its axis,discovery of the cause of eclipse,approximation for the value of pi ,• Explaining Relativity Of Time! • Calculating Many other great and remarkable works in Maths and Physics, specially Astronomy
5)Siddhanta-Shiromani is divided into four parts known as Lilavati, Bijaganita, Grahaganita, and Goladhyaya, which are considered four independent works.These four sections cover arithmetic, algebra, planet mathematics, and sphere mathematics, born in the Shaka era in 1036
6)Brahmagupta was the first mathematician to provide the formula for the area of a cyclic quadrilateral,contributions to geometry ,he is the first person to discuss the method of finding a cyclic quadrilateral with rational sides,and many more contribution
7)Maharishi Kanada( born 6th-2thBC)Gave theory on Motion before Newton,work on atomic theory of matter (He posited the theory of atom before John Dalton (1803) that "Every object of creation is made of atoms (paramāņu) which in turn connect with each other to form molecules (anu)
8)Jagadish Chandra Bose’s proved more than a century ago how plant feel the pleasure & pain & showed that plant produce electrical signals in response to stimuli,huge respect for him because he refused to obtain patents 4 his work & rejected the idea of making money from science.
9)National mathematics day on the birth anniversary of genius mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan He worked out the Riemann series, elliptic integrals, hypergeometric series, functional equations of the zeta function using his own technique that came to be called Ramanujan summation
10)Proud to be an indian 🇮🇳 ,sanskrit the mother of all languages (as vedas,purnas were written in sanskrit),become more easier for common people due to work of Dr.Rishi and useful for AI technology as well.
" Recall the past golden legacy and reform the mistake that we have been done..Time to glitters again with scientific temper"
